Texas Tackles School Vouchers with John Colyandro Part 2

In the second segment, we discuss the intricacies of school choice and the pressing issues surrounding our public education system. We debate the complexities of this critical topic, shedding light on the nuances and challenges faced by parents, students, and policymakers alike. Discover why school choice has become a hot-button issue, as parents seek alternatives […]
Redefining Political Discourse in Texas with John Colyandro Part 1

As we enter into the session’s turbulent events, from internal party conflicts to high-profile trials, John Colyandro provides unique insights into the political process.
In this two-part conversation, discover how misinformation and social media play a role in shaping public opinion and why it’s crucial to base political discussions on facts. We explore the controversial topic of school choice and debunk some common misconceptions while shedding light on the challenges faced by special needs students in both public and private education.
Texas wants to be a leader in CCUS, but there’s an ownership question to resolve first

Texas is one of the largest emitting states in the US and stands to become ground zero of the carbon management industry. But unlike other states, Texas law provides no clarity on ownership rights of pore space — the empty underground cavities where companies can pump and permanently store captured CO2. While surface rights and mineral rights are crystal clear, Texas hasn’t defined who owns those underground pore spaces.
Carbon Neutral Coalition Executive Director John Colyandro joined S&P Global reporter Brandon Mulder on the podcast to share his insights on the issues surrounding pore space ownership, how it could be holding back the industry, and ways it could be resolved in the upcoming legislative session.
Stick around after the interview for Jeff Mower with the Market Minute, a look at near-term oil market drivers.